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Geriatric medicine is a multi-disciplinary service, providing in and out of hospital care, and is a part of Adelaide Geriatrics Training and Research With Aged Care (GTRAC) Centre.

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) specialist geriatric medicine service provides for a full range of specialist geriatrics services, in and out of hospital, and is also a professorial service, home to the  Adelaide Geriatrics Training and Research With Aged Care (GTRAC) Centre.

The overarching aim of this multi-disciplinary clinical and academic service is through collaborative clinical practice, research and training to deliver positive outcomes for the health and wellbeing of older people. 

The strategic goals are to: 

  • promote innovation and best practice in the clinical care of older people, helping older people achieve their goals in relation to well-being and independence 
  • provide for training, research and mentoring in geriatric medicine and gerontology 
  • build, maintain and promote collaborative relationships and partnerships with key stakeholders to inform our clinical, training and research programs and facilitate the effective translation of clinical evidence into practice.

Our guiding principles are:

  • Respect: We will treat people with dignity and respect 
  • Inclusivity: We will strive to include our community and embrace diversity 
  • Collaboration: We will work with others to deliver positive outcomes 
  • Communication: We will achieve knowledge translation by communicating and sharing effectively 
  • Innovation: We will explore new frontiers in our research and training programs 
  • Excellence: We aim to excel in all we do.

What we do

In hospital at TQEH, we provide: 

  • for inpatient geriatric evaluation and management care and some acute care in South Ground 
  • geriatric medicine liaison service, including orthogeriatrics) 
  • consultation services (including to the inpatient psychogeriatric service).

In the community, we provide: 

  • specialist governance and input to the Transition Care Program, CALHN
  • specialist governance and input into the Falls Prevention Multidisciplinary Clinic CALHN
  • outpatient clinics focused on dementia diagnosis and management, falls assessment and prevention and movement disorders, focused towards those frail
  • some community geriatrician assessments when requested by general practitioners 
  • outreach specialist consultation to Port Lincoln and Whyalla.

Specialist progams

The CALHN (Central Adelaide Local Health Network) Transition Care Program (TCP) provides short term post-acute care for older people to assist them to recover after a hospital stay. 

Transition Care helps older people to:

  • recover after a hospital stay
  • regain functionality or mobility
  • remain independent in their own homes
  • delay entry into an aged care home for as long as possible
  • avoid the need for long term care
  • finalise ongoing care arrangements.

TCP team

The TCP program is delivered in collaboration with aged care service providers and general practitioners. The TCP teams are Geriatrician-led and consist of:

  • nurses
  • physiotherapists
  • pharmacists
  • social workers
  • occupational therapists.


To be eligible for TCP, an older person must:

  • be 65 years or older, or 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • be classified as an in-patient in a public or private hospital (including hospital in the home)
  • have a valid Aged Care Assessment for the TCP (within the last 28 days)
  • have potential to benefit from accessing a short period of restorative care service
  • be willing to adopt recommended strategies, engage with the program and interventions and have achievable re-enablement goals.


Referrals to CALHN TCP need to be made by the treating hospital team. 

For further information contact the TCP team.

Phone: 8222 8864

Falls assessment clinics provide multi-disciplinary comprehensive geriatric assessment and management for older people with complex falls related presentations. The main focus of the clinics is to provide hospital avoidance and supported discharge assessment and recommendations. We partner with GPs and service providers to identify and address modifiable falls risk injury factors. Follow up is offered as identified.

The Geriatrician-lead team consists of an occupational therapist, physiotherapist and nurse.

There are 2 Falls Clinics within the CALHN region which include the Sefton Park Clinic and The Queen Elizabeth Clinic.

Triggers for referral from general practitioners include:

  • recent hospital admission, Emergency Department presentation or SA Ambulance Service callout for a fall  
  • patient reports having had a fall, trip or slip (with or without injury) 
  • patient clinical assessment reveals falls risk factors, such as:
    • history of falls
    • multiple medical conditions
    • poly pharmacy
    • psychotropic medications
    • unsteady gait, poor balance, appears unsteady
    • reduced physical activity
    • sensory loss, cognitive changes
    • incontinence, weight loss
    • unsafe footwear, home environment hazards
    • decline in function,
    • increased risk of injury e.g. fracture history, osteoporosis, anticoagulation. 

Clinic Eligibility Criteria:

Patient consents and is willing to adopt strategies and interventions recommended.

  1. Individuals aged 65 years or older (or >50 years ATSI)
  2. Multiple co-morbidities
  3. Is not attending a multidisciplinary program
  4. Does not have an acute fracture or acute illness (i.e., medically stable)
  5. History of 2 or more falls in the past 12 months or 1 fall with a serious injury (injury should no longer be acute)
  6. Living in the CALHN region

(Note – Permanent Residents of Aged Care Facilities are not eligible for this service)

Referrals from general practitioner (GP) via statewide e-referrals program or GP to e-mail referrals to 

Our team

  • Professor Renuka Visvanathan – Head of Unit 
  • A/Prof Solomon Yu – Deputy Head of Unit 
  • Dr Faizal Ibrahim 
  • Dr Pazhvoor Shibu 
  • Dr Shailaja Nair 
  • Dr Khai Tam 
  • Dr Kareeann Khow
  • Dr Bavand Bikdelli 
  • Dr Reena Tewari 
  • Dr Fin Cai 
  • Dr Thanuja De Silva
  • Ms Carla Smyth – Nurse Consultant Geriatric Medicine Liaison
  • Ms Emma Potts – Nurse Unit Manager Ward South Ground
  • Ms Kathryn Smith – Nurse Unit Manager CALHN TCP and Falls Prevention 
  • Ms Maree Braithwaite
  • Mr Matt Ruggari
  • Ms Connie Falcone
  • Ms Ernesta Smythe 
  • Ms Catherine Gilbert 

Referrals, admissions and appointments

GPs and other medical practitioners can make a referral to our service by faxing a referral to our department.

Mark attention to the Geriatrician, Aged and Extended Care Services, TQEH.

Fax referrals to 8222 8593.

Urgent referrals by general practitioners or other medical practitioners are to be made via our GEM Liaison Service. 

Call one of our geriatricians, GEM Liaison Registrar or GEM Liaison Nurse to discuss further.

Call the GEM team via TQEH switchboard, phone 8222 6000.

Urgent referrals by general practitioners or other medical practitioners can be made by discussing the case with the Community Geriatrician or Registrar via TQEH switchboard, phone 8222 6000.

We encourage referrals to include the following relevant information:

  • patient demographics
  • medical
  • function
  • psychosocial information.

Results from relevant investigations will be important to provide to maximise the benefits from the consultation. 

We do not accept referrals for capacity assessment.

More information

Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm 

Location: TQEH, Tower building, Level 8B

Delivery location: Dx 465119

This page was last updated 14 January, 2025

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