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Parking information for The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) including drop-off and pick-up zones, accessible parking and parking fees.

Car parking

The multi-deck car park, accessed via Woodville Road, has 500 spaces, including 70 accessible spaces. Electric vehicle charging stations are located on the ground floor of the car park. 

Short-term parking is available in the quadrangle between the Kangkanthi building and the main entrance of the hospital. These parks are free for one hour and consist of both accessible and regular parking. 

There are other on-street and private parking areas close to the hospital. Check signs and information when parking outside of the hospital grounds. 

Drop-off and pick-up zones

Patient drop-off and pick-up zones on the grounds of TQEH include:

  • Emergency department entrance via Gate 2, off Woodville Road 
  • Main entrance of the hospital via Gate 2, off Woodville Road 
  • Allied Health Building entrance via Curtis Street
  • BRIGHT Woodville entrance via Gate 5, off Woodville Road. 

These areas are for patient pick-up and set-down only, not for long-term parking. 

Hospital map

Get to know the hospital's drop-off and pick-up zones and parking areas. 

Accessible parking

Accessible parking spaces on the grounds of TQEH include: 

  • The multi-deck car park, accessed via Gate 5, includes 70 accessible spaces. Regular fees apply.  
  • Twelve disability parking spaces, free for one hour, are available in the short-term car park, accessed via Gate 2.
  • Nine disability parks, free for four hours, are at the rear of the Allied Health building, accessed via Curtis Street. 

Permit holders must display their disability parking permit at all times when parking in these locations. 

For those with a state government-issued disability parking permit, parking is allowed for double the usual time before penalties apply. Parking without a permit may result in penalties.

Do you need a wheelchair?

Our transport assistance team will bring you a wheelchair to get into our facility from the car park. 

Parking fees

The multi-deck car park is the main car park for visitors and patients.

Discounted weekly tickets are available to anyone and can be purchased from car park pay stations or the car park and transport office, located on the ground floor of the hospital. Fees and charges as follows:

<> Entry 1493

0 to 1 hour


1 to 2 hours


2 to 3 hours


3 to 4 hours


4 to 5 hours


5 to 6 hours


6 to 7 hours


7 to 8 hours


8 to 24 hours


Lost ticket


Weekly ticket


Car parking fee exemptions apply at TQEH for:  

  • Patients, or parents or carers of a baby / young child patient, who are required to attend the hospital for clinical reasons at least once a week for at least four (4) weeks 
  • Volunteers approved by the Health facility manager (or delegate) 
  • Bicycle parking in designated locations (this does not include motorcycles). 

Note: other patients, relatives or carers may be eligible for car parking exemptions, subject to the approval of the Health facility manager (or delegate). 

To apply for a car parking fee exemption, see the car parking officer at TQEH. 

Pick-up and drop-off zones are available on-site. These areas have time restrictions of 20 minutes. They are for pick-up and set-down only, not for patient long-term parking. 

Parking is not permitted in any restricted area, such as reserved bays, designated parking spaces for ambulances, police, and other emergency services, spaces for on-call medical staff, taxis, and couriers. 

All public parking areas at TQEH are patrolled by authorised officers who monitor and regulate traffic across all Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) sites to ensure staff and the public comply with the rules and regulations under the Health Care Act 2008 (the Act)—Section 42 Hospital By-Laws. 

You may be fined if you park and leave your car in a non-public or short-term drop-off area for an extended period. These fines are enforceable by law. 

To support and ensure parking is fair and equitable across SA Health sites, visitors and staff parking on hospital grounds may be issued parking expiation notices if they:  

  • park in restricted access areas, exceed allocated car parking time or commit traffic offences within hospital grounds 
  • engage in disorderly or offensive behaviour within hospital grounds 
  • damage property, buildings or grounds within the hospital 
  • engage in behaviours breaking rules and regulations as outlined in Section 42 Hospital By-Laws. 

Authorised officers issue expiation notices in accordance with the relevant State Act and SA Health Expiation Notice Procedure. 

When an expiation notice is issued, you have 28 days to pay or appeal the notice from the date of issue. If the notice is not paid or appealed after 28 days, you will receive a reminder, and additional fees will be incurred. 

You will have 14 more days to pay the fine before the notice is escalated to the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit (FERU). From this point you can make payment directly to, or appeal via the FERU. 

Appeals must be provided in writing to the CALHN Car Park Office before the expiation progresses to the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit (FERU). 

Submit appeals with supporting evidence by emailing or send a copy to: 

CALHN Car Park Office
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Woodville South SA 5011 

Your expiation notice will be put on hold during the appeal process, and you will be notified in writing of the outcome. We will do our best to respond to your appeal promptly. However, there may be a delay while an investigation is undertaken. 

The CALHN Car Park Office will endeavour to keep you updated on your appeal process. If your circumstances change, please contact the office directly.

Contact information

Queries regarding parking, expiation notices received or appeals can be made to the CALHN Car Park Office. 

This page was last updated 29 November, 2024

Related links

Hospital map

Use our map and directory of The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) to locate buildings, units and amenities within the hospital.

Visitor information

Find out about visiting hours for The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) and guidelines to keep our patients and health care workers safe.


Transport options to get to The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH), including parking information and nearby public transport services.


Learn about the amenities at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) including where to buy food and drinks, the gift shop, plus gardens and outdoor spaces.

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